This website is updated regularly. Every Saturday, something new will be uploaded. Visitors that want to receive information about the CFBT-BE initiatives can send a message to Karel Lambert on facebook.
30/11/2024: Articles: Articles 1-55: adapted Chinese translation
10/11/2024: Articles: articles 24-31 available in Turkish.
5/10/2024: Articles: article 54 online in 11 languages.
24/02/2024: Articles: article 55 online in 10 languages.
27/01/2024: Articles: Art 19, 21-22-23 in Turkish online.
13/01/2024: Articles: Art 1-2-11 in PT, 18 in TR and 48-49-52 in IT
31/12/2023: Articles: Article 53 online in 11 languages.
16/12/2023: Articles: Articles 1-5 online in Japanese.
26/11/2023: Articles: 6 new translations into Greek available.
12/11/2023: Articles: article 51 online in 10 languages.
15/08/2023: Articles: article 52 online in 9 languages.
25/07/2023: Articles: articles 1-10 online in Greek
24/07/2023: Articles: article 49 online in 8 languages
22/01/2023: Articles: article 48 online in 9 languages
04/06/2022: Articles: art 44-47 and 50 available in Korean
12/03/2022: Articles: art 15 available in Portuguese and 35, 36 and 38-42 in Korean
27/06/2021: Articles: art 18 available in Italian and art 21-30 in Korean
10/04/2021: Articles: art 11-17 available in Italian and art 15-20 available in Korean
03/04/2021: Articles: 44th article online in 7 languages: how long takes search & rescue
27/02/2021: Articles: 7 more translations into Italian and 3 into Korean online
09/01/2021: Articles: 7 more translations into Korean online
12/12/2020: Articles: 10 translations in Korean and one extra in Portuguese online
05/12/2020: Articles: 50th article in 9 languages online: Grenfell, what now?
28/11/2020: Articles: 47th article in 9 languages online
21/11/2020: Fire Behavior: book by Emmanuel Belaire about decontamination added
12/04/2020: Articles: 46th article in 9 languages
15/03/2020: Articles: 4 new translations into Italian, Portuguese and Chinese
18/01/2020: Fire behavior: Hoarder Homes by Ryan Pennington
11/01/2020: Fire behavior: scientific paper by Poplin about aerobic fitness and firefigther injuries
04/01/2020: Learning from incidents: the Grenfell Tower Inquiry
28/12/2019: Leadership: & subsribe to leadership nudges
21/12/2019: Colleagues: German Berckmans, Kurt D'helft & Steve De Blauwe added
14/12/2019: Learning from incidents: NFPA report about the Keokuk Fire
07/12/2019: Fire Behavior: link to article about the difference between backdraft and smoke explosion
30/11/2019: Learning from incidents: One Meridian Plaza fire in Philadelphia
23/11/2019: Colleagues: Case Study "Watts Street" by Ed Hartin
16/11/2019: Leadership: Leaders eat last by Simon Sinek
09/11/2019: Articles: 9 new translations: 7 Portuguese, 1 Chinese and 1 Turkish
02/11/2019: Learning from incidents: Interstate Bank fire in Los Angeles
26/10/2019: Leadership: Call sign chaos by Jim Mattis
19/10/2019: Fire behavior: Paper by Tommasini about fire suppression involving PV systems
12/10/2019: Colleagues: Access design by Paul Grimwood
05/10/2019: Colleagues: Case study commercial building in Durango by Ed Hartin
28/09/2019: Articles: 45th article in the series interior firefighting in 9 languages
21/09/2019: Leadership: Start with why by Simon Sinek
14/09/2019: Colleagues: Case study single family dwelling in San Pablo by Ed Hartin
07/09/2019: IFIW: Presentation by Stefan Särdqvist at IFIW 2019
31/08/2019: Learning from incidents: House fire in Waregem (Fluvia)
24/08/2019: IFIW: Presentation by Steve Brisebois at IFIW 2019
17/08/2019: IFIW: Presentation (video) by Lars Axelsson at IFIW 2019
10/08/2019: ICS: The Heat of the Moment by Sabrina Cohen-Hatton
03/08/2019: Colleagues: Case study hardware store fire in New York by Ed Hartin
27/07/2019: IFIW: Presentation by Ricardo Weewer at IFIW 2019
20/07/2019: Leadership: Presentation (video) by Eileen Collins
13/07/2019: IFIW: presentation by Shan Raffel at IFIW 2019
06/07/2019: Leadership: My American Journey by Colin Powell
29/06/2019: Learning from incidents: Fire from Taxandria - Belgium (only in Dutch)
22/06/2019: Learning from incidents: Firefighter Safey Incidents system of the IFE
15/06/2019: Articles: Insulation Fire in Brussels in Firehouse
08/06/2019: Articles: 10 new Chinese and Portugese translations
01/06/2019: Leadership: book Five Alarm Leadership
25/05/2019: IFIW: presentation by Nicolas Tramontana at IFIW 2013
18/05/2019: Fire Behavior: video by UL FSRI about Pushing Fire
11/05/2019: Fire behavior: Paper by Kerber about the effect of firefighting on occupant tenability
04/05/2019: Fire behavior: 3 video's by West Sussex Fire & Rescue about the smoke stopper
27/04/2019: Articles: 43rd article in the series interior firefighting online in 9 languages
20/04/2019: Colleagues: link to
13/04/2019: Fire behavior: The book "Les phénomènes thermiques"
06/04/2019: Articles: 2 new Portugese and 1 new Chinese translation
30/03/2019: Articles: Hose management (in Dutch) by Steve De Blauwe & Karel Lambert
23/03/2019: IFIW: presentation about protective clothing and heat stress
16/03/2019: Learning from incidents: Shop fire by the Liege fire department on line
09/03/2019: IFIW: Presentation by Art Arnalich during IFIW 2018
02/03/2019: Colleagues: Presentation in Brussels by Paul Grimwood about the RICE model
23/02/2019: Learning from incidents: movie clip about live fire training accident (in Dutch)
16/02/2019: Fire behavior: Fire dynamics for firefighters by Ben Walker
09/02/2019: Colleagues: article by Steve Brisebois about transitional attack (in French)
02/02/2019: Fire behavior: scientific paper about suppression by Särdqvist, Jonsson & Grimwood
26/01/2019: IFIW: presentation + video of Stefan Särdqvist at IFIW 2018
19/01/2019: Learning from incidens: report about an industrial fire in Liege online
12/01/2019: IFIW: videos of several presentations at IFIW 2018 a.o. by Steve Kerber
05/01/2019: Publications: 12 new translations into Italian, Chinese and Portuguese
29/12/2018: Fire behavior: scientific paper about fire dynamics by Johansson & Svensson
22/12/2018: Learning from incidents: The Forward Avenue Fire in Ottawa, Canada
15/12/2018: Publications: 42nd article in series interior firefighting online in 9 languages.
08/12/2018: IFIW: Presentation by Peter McBride during IFIW 2018
01/12/2018: Fire behavior: scientific paper about gas cooling by Svensson and Van de Veire
24/11/2018: "Les caméras thermiques" by Anthony Collin and Ronan Vinay in the "fire behaviour" section
17/11/2018: Presentation (film) by John McDonough during IFIW 2018
10/11/2018: Book "Brandverloop 2nd edition" in the "books" section.
03/11/2018: Presentation by Karel Lambert during IFIW 2016.
27/10/2018: Paper about heat release rate calculations in the "papers" section.
20/10/2018: "La ventilation Opérationnelle" by Ronan Vinay in the ventilation section.
13/10/2018: Presentation by Ed Hartin and video of Szymon during IFIW 2018
06/10/2018: Presentation by Szymon Kokot-Góra during IFIW 2018
29/09/2018: 6 new translations into Turkish, Itialian and Portuguese online
22/09/2018: Presentation by Karel Lambert during IFIW 2018
15/09/2018: ED Talk by Ed Hartin during IFIW 2018
08/09/2018: Presentation by Ricardo Weewer during IFIW 2018
01/09/2018: 41st article in series interior firefighting online in 8 languages.
25/08/2018: Presentation by Jens Stiegel during IFIW 2018
18/08/2018: Presentation by Raymond Yu during IFIW 2018
11/08/2018: Colleagues: The operational problem of fire control by Stefan Svensson
04/08/2018: Colleagues: An engineering approach to fire-fighting tactics by Stefan Särdqvist
28/07/2018: Articles: 4 new Portuguese translations
21/07/2018: New page about leadership & book by David Marquet
14/07/2018: Colleagues: Thomas Levasseur & Alexandre Piquet + videos
07/07/2018: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Gottuk about backdraft.
30/06/2018: Colleagues: link to presentation by Dan Madrzykowski.
23/06/2018: Colleagues: Steve Brisebois.
16/06/2018: 40th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
09/06/2018: Articles: 8 translations into Chinese online.
02/06/2018: Colleagues: document by Paul Grimwood about adequate flowrate.
26/05/2018: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Alarifi about effects of firefighting.
19/05/2018: Fire Behaviour: A survey of backdraught by Chitty.
12/05/2018: Papers: Steam as an extinguishing medium.
05/05/2018: Learning from incidents: case from Moircy online.
28/04/2018: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Fent about airborne contaminants.
21/04/2018: Papers: syllabus about FDS (only in Dutch).
14/04/2018: Colleagues: document by Paul Grimwood about flashover velocity.
07/04/2018: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Peacock about flashover.
31/03/2018: 39th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
24/03/2018: Learning from incidents: link to movie about LODD in Keokuk, Iowa.
17/03/2018: 1st translation into Chinese and extra translation into German online.
10/03/2018: Learning from incidents: case from Liege online.
03/03/2018: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Kallada about pressure build-up.
24/02/2018: Colleagues: link to newest e-learning program of UL FSRI online.
17/02/2018: Learning from incidents: case from Antwerp online.
10/02/2018: Translation of the 32nd article about Ukkel into Korean online.
03/02/2018: Learning from incidents: firefighter gets hurt in Charleroi online.
27/01/2018: Ventilation: link to scientific paper about PPV fans in the subway.
20/01/2018: 38th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
13/01/2018: Learning from incidents: factory fire at FN Herstal (Liege) online.
06/01/2018: Presentation by Michael Reick at IFIW 2014 online.
30/12/2017: Translation of the 32nd and 33rd article into Portuguese online.
23/12/2017: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Steve Kerber about horizontal ventilation.
16/12/2017: Fire Behaviour: article by Luca Parisi about breathing technique online.
09/12/2017: Learning from incidents: firefighter gets hurt in Liege online.
02/12/2017: Translation of the 33rd article about BE-SAHF into Korean online.
25/11/2017: Presentation by Ed Hartin at IFIW 2014 online.
18/11/2017: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Paul Grimwood about fire flowrates.
11/11/2017: Learning from incidents: underground garage fire in Liege online.
04/11/2017: Presentation by Stefan Svensson at IFIW 2014 online.
28/10/2017: Colleagues: French translation of "Fire behavior indicators" by Ed Hartin.
21/10/2017: Fire Behaviour: scientific paper by Steve Kerber about changing fire dynamics.
14/10/2017: Learning from incidents: safety message from Sweden about Li-ion batteries.
07/10/2017: Learning from incidents: Bank street fire online.
30/09/2017: Presentation by Dario Gauss at IFIW 2014 online.
23/09/2017: Presentation by Karel Lambert at IFIW 2017 online.
16/09/2017: A topic scientific articles was added in section "fire behaviour"
09/09/2017: 37th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
02/09/2017: 12 new German translations online.
26/08/2017: SOP High-rise Fire-fighting by Paul Grimwood in section "colleagues".
19/08/2017: Abstracts of IFIW 2011 presentations in section "IFIW".
12/08/2017: SOG Large store fires by Paul Grimwood in section "colleagues".
05/08/2017: Report about train tunnel fire in Brussels in section "learning from incidents".
29/07/2017: Link to movie about the double LODD at Ukkel online in section "learning from incidents".
22/07/2017: Book "Eurofirefighter 2" by Paul Grimwood presented in the "colleagues" section.
15/07/2017: Presentation by Karel Lambert at IFIW 2013 online.
08/07/2017: Paper by Paul Grimwood about Snatch Rescues online in "colleagues" section.
01/07/2017: Presentation by Jason Caughey at IFIW 2017 online.
24/06/2017: Presentation by Karel Lambert about the double LODD in Brussels at IFIW 2011 online.
17/06/2017: Case study by Ed Hartin online in "Colleagues and suggested literature".
10/06/2017: 9 new translations into German and Italian online.
03/06/2017: link to column by Dave Birke in learning from incidents.
27/05/2017: 36th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
20/05/2017: link to the Kill the flashover website online in section fire behavior.
13/05/2017: Presentation by Christoph Gruber at IFIW 2017 online.
06/05/2017: Text by Michael Reick at IFIW 2014 online.
29/04/2017: Presentation by Stuart Helmore at IFIW 2017 online.
22/04/2017: Presentation by Peter McBride at IFIW 2017 online.
15/04/2017: Course text on interior firefighting in Dutch and French online in papers.
08/04/2017: Presentation by Jerry Tracy at IFIW 2017 online.
01/04/2017: Presentation by Katherine Lamb at IFIW 2017 online.
25/03/2017: Videopresentation "Close the door" by Ed Hartin online in section "colleagues".
18/03/2017: French translation of the paper about backdraft online.
11/03/2017: 35th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
04/03/2017: 8 new translations in Italian, Spanish and Turkish online.
25/02/2017: Presentation by Stefan Svensson at IFIW 2017 online.
18/02/2017: FIREx talk by Ed Hartin online.
11/02/2017: Presentation by Dario Gaus at IFIW 2017 online.
04/02/2017: Presentation by Ed Hartin at IFIW 2017 online.
28/01/2017: Presentation by Hans Nieling at IFIW 2017 online.
21/01/2017: Presentation by Jason Caughey at IFIW 2016 online.
14/01/2017: 7 new translations in German, Spanish and Turkish online.
07/01/2017: Presentation by Peter McBride at IFIW 2014 online.
31/12/2016: Report about the first IFIW meeting in 2008 online.
24/12/2016: 34th article in series interior firefighting online in 7 languages.
17/12/2016: Presentation of John McDonough and Karel Lambert at IFIW 2014 online.
10/12/2016: Presentation of Christoph Gruber at IFIW 2016 online.
03/12/2016: Presentation of Jerry Tracy at IFIW 2016 online.
26/11/2016: 8 translations in German online.
19/11/2016: article in dutch about decision making online in "ICS".
12/11/2016: 6 extra translations in Turkish and 9 in Spanish online.
05/11/2016: 31st article online in French and English.
29/10/2016: 9 Italian translations online.
22/10/2016: 33rd article in series interior firefighting online in 5 languages.
15/10/2016: Film about SLICE-RS online in "fire behavior".
08/10/2016: Presentation of Peter Ehler at IFIW 2016 online.
01/10/2016: Presentation of Christian Gryspeert at IFIW 2015 online.
24/09/2016: Presentation of Shan Raffel at IFIW 2015 online.
17/09/2016: Dutch paper about under ventilated fires online in "fire behavior".
10/09/2016: 5 new Spanish and 2 new Turkish translations of articles online.
03/09/2016: Presentation of Dogan Gurer at IFIW 2015 online.
27/08/2016: 10 Spanish translations of articles online.
20/08/2016: Presentation of Art Arnalich at IFIW 2015 online.
13/08/2016: Presentation of Ed Hartin at IFIW 2015 online.
06/08/2016: 8 Turkish translations of articles online.
30/07/2016: Presentation of Steve Kerber at IFIW 2015 online.
25/07/2016: 32nd article (FR) in the series interior firefighting online in "articles".
23/07/2016: 32nd article (NL+ENG) in the series interior firefighting online in "articles".
16/07/2016: Presentation of Stefan Svensson at IFIW 2015 online.
09/07/2016: French translation of 30th article in series interior firefighting online.
02/07/2016: Presentation of Juan Carlos Campaña at IFIW 2015 online.
25/06/2016: Dutch version of a new chapter for the course company officer online.
18/06/2016: Presentation of Stéphane Morizot at IFIW 2015 online.
11/06/2016: Dutch version of a chapter for the course company officer online.
04/06/2016: English translation of 30th article in series interior firefighting online.
28/05/2016: Link to book by Stefan Särdqvist on line in "Colleagues" section.
21/05/2016: Presentation of Paul Grimwood at IFIW 2015 online.
14/05/2016: New section added about IFIW.
07/05/2016: 31st article in the series interior firefighting online in "articles".
30/04/2016: Text by John McDonough about interior attack online in "colleagues".
23/04/2016: French translation of 28th article in series interior firefighting online.
16/04/2016: Lesson plan about vent controlled fires by Ed Hartin online in "colleagues".
09/04/2016: French translation of 29th article in series interior firefighting online.
02/04/2016: Presentation about ventilation controlled fires by Ed Hartin online in "colleagues".
26/03/2016: French translation of an article by John McDonough online in "colleagues".
19/03/2016: English translation of 29th article in series interior firefighting online.
12/03/2016: Entry procedures by Paul Grimwood online in "colleagues".
05/03/2016: 30th article in series interior firefighting online.