2018 - Fire dynamics - 2nd edition 

In 2011, Karel Lambert wrote the book "Brandverloop: technisch bekeken, tactisch toegepast" together with Siemco Baaij. The book was published by the publisher Sdu in 2011. It was a tremendous succes in Belgium and The Netherlands with over 5000 copies sold. In 2018, a 2nd revised version was published. The book has the same structure as the first edition. It contains four chapters: Karel Lambert wrote the first three chapters about fire behaviour, fire physics and nozzle techniques. Siemco Baaij of  CFBT-NL wrote the fourth chapter in which he explains the B-SAHF model that was invented by Shan Raffel. The contents have been largely revised for the 2nd edition. The book has also more pages than the previous edition.


The Dutch version of the book can be orderd via bol.com and via uitgeverij Sdu in The Nederlands. Its ISBN number is 978-90-12-40267-5. 


brandverloop2 NL   



2015 - Fire fighting

CFBT-BE and CFBT-NL teamed up to write a second book. Hans Nieling and Hein Vandenberge joined Karel and Siemco. Each of them wrote a chapter for the new book. Karel wrote a chapter about tactics while Siemco wrote the next chapter about strategy. Hans' chapter is about nozzle techniques. The last chapter was written by Hein and is about health & hygiene. 


cover brandbestrijding


The new book is called "Brandbestrijding: technisch bekeken, tactisch toegepast". In The Netherlands it can be ordered through publisher Sdu. In Belgium it can be found in the bookshop. Its ISBN number is 9789012396677". 



2011 - Fire dynamics 

Karel Lambert wrote the book "Brandverloop: technisch bekeken, tactisch toegepast" together with Siemco Baaij. The book was published by the publisher Sdu in 2011 and has been reprinted. 


It contains four chapters: Karel Lambert wrote the first three chapters about fire behaviour, fire physics and nozzle techniques. Siemco Baaij of  CFBT-NL wrote the fourth chapter in which he explains the B-SAHF model that was invented by Shan Raffel. 


The Dutch version of the book can be orderd via the bookstore in Belgium and via uitgeverij Sdu in The Nederlands. Its ISBN number is 9789012574174. 

   cover fire dynamics


The book can also be ordered in French since 2013. The French title is "Progression du feu: approche technique, application tactique"

This version can be ordered via the bookstorein Belgium and via uitgeverij Sdu in The Nederlands. Its ISBN number is 9789012577847.


Since 2015, the book is available in English. The title is "Fire dynamics: technical approach, tactical application". This version can be orderd through the bookstore and via uitgeverij Sdu. Its ISBN number is 978-90-12-39661-5. The book can also be ordered through one of the authors, Siemco Baaij. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, address and the number of copies, he will handle the order.